Baby rose breasted cockatoos- Accepting deposits now! Affectionate and friendly, the Rose-Breasted Cockatoos have a reputation for being loving pets. They
We have gorgeous sulphur-crested
Adorable and friendly Sulfur crested cockatoo is avaible. Like a typical cockatoo, most enjoy being held and petted, and are friendly and sociable. Cockatoos are highly intelligent and tend to love dancing to music.
Your Parrot will have plenty of room for toys and climbing in this large Parrot Cage.
36" Wide, 28" Deep, 69" High
Inside Height: 54"
Bar Spacing: 1"
Bar Thickness: 5mm
Tray: 34 1/4" x 27 1/4" x 1 1/2"
Grill: 34 1/4" x 27 1/4"